What’s new? Pragmatic consumers!


We all know that shopping and buying habits have changed significantly this year. As a result the way we market and advertising to our target customers must also shift. Impulse purchasing is all but a thing of the past. And research for the “COVID-19 Shopper and Retail Pulse Study” conducted in late May confirms many of our assumptions.

The shift we’re referring to is pragmatism: a philosophy that prioritizing inquiry to find the truth and then action as a result. 

This research showed that consumer are viewing shopping as more of a task to be completed rather than an activity. Compared to pre-pandemic, the poll indicated that 43% of people now make a shopping list, 40% research products online, 36% price compare across several retailers and another 36% actively look for sales items through coupons or discounts.

What does this mean for your advertising? We believe it can be boiled down to these smart direct-marketing tenants:

  1. Don’t be “me too!” If your customer is comparatively researching, be sure you are communicating your product’s unique selling benefits first and foremost. What makes you special? Develop and stick to your key USP. We continue to admire our client MyPillow for never veering from what makes their product special and backing it with a strong 60-day money-back guarantee. 

  2. Plan your promotions carefully. Another client of ours, the Star Tribune, recognizes that their customers are looking for a deal, but they keep their offers fresh and unique, knowing that quality reporting and value still wins in the end. 

  3. Keep it sincere, especially online. If 40% of our customers are making decisions online, it’s important to keep your site refreshed and up-to-date. 

A creative partner like Barbara Thomas Creative Group can help you put these best practices in to place. 


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