Treats NOT Tricks

As service providers (yep, that’s what creative agencies really are!) we’ve always known that to remain competitive and even succeed, we had to do things distinctively different and better than our competition. I might be so bold as to say that this idea of ‘different and better’ applies to everyone and every brand that sells something. 

But today we need to take this adage a step further and treat our clients and customers with a smidgeon more than they expected. Why not delight a new customer with something unexpected and gain a repeat brand ambassador?

Here’s an example: I placed a first-time small online order of soup seasoning mixes. Not only did I get a lovely “thank-you” email, but my order came with one extra packet and a note telling me that they thought I might also enjoy this additional product. Well what do you know, icing on the cake! Guess which company I’ll buy from next time? 

I could feel their smile in every contact point and that makes them distinctively different in my book! 

Here are 5 ways Barbara Thomas Creative Group puts this into practice every day:

• Surprises are no fun for anyone. Make it a priority to keep clients abreast of everything. And when possible, treat them with a cherry-on-top at no extra charge!                                             

• If you say it will take this long and cost this much, then by-golly do everything in your power to make that happen.

• If a client calls or emails, they really do want to get in touch; and that’s a good thing in our book. Don’t make them wait.

• Quality is not a guarantee for success. But without quality there is no success. 

• Love what you do- your enthusiasm is contagious to customers and clients!


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