Brands with Slogans and Jingles – Oh My!


“Mmm Mmm good! Mmm Mmm good! That’s what Campbell’s soups are…”

“America runs on Dunkin’”

“Gimme a break! Gimme a break! Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar!”

“The quicker picker upper”

The famous, “For the best night’s sleep in the whole wide world, visit”

Each of us is exposed to a multitude of ads every day, making the challenge to stand out from the rest just that: a challenge!

The goal of any slogan or jingle is to distinguish your brand. But we believe it’s also important to communicate a strong and clear benefit.

Beyond that, it also needs to:

Have sticking power

Differentiate your brand (rather than sell a category)

Include the brand name (otherwise, why bother?

That being said, I’m proud to introduce you to our newest slogan jingle for Toothbrush For Life: “Here’s to your health, right to your door,!” Check it out on our Vimeo page!


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