The Million Dollar Question!


One of the coolest things we get to do is help entrepreneurs with great ideas and amazing new products go to market through DR-TV.

Thanks to opportunities like creating DR-TV campaigns for clients like MyPillow, we’re often asked “Do you think my product can be a DR-TV success?”

While we don’t sell crystal balls or harvest pixie dust to insure a wild success story, being able to answer “YES!” to these 10 important questions (along with smart product economics) can be a good indicator that a direct marketing campaign will work for you.

1. Will our product solve a real problem that many consumers face? Do we explain why and how we do it better than anything or anyone else?

The key indicator here is to have a product with broad appeal! Is it something that virtually everyone can benefit from owning?

2. Does the product offer real and understandable benefits to our customers?

It’s never about the bells, whistles and product features. It’s about the end results! “We’re not selling a mop; we’re selling the cleanest floor in the world!”

3. Can we feature compelling customer testimonials?

Never underestimate the power of seeing and hearing from a happy owner!

4. Is the product backed or recommended by respected third-party endorsers?

Props from experts instill customer confidence.

5. Are there any studies or clinical reports that support our product’s effectiveness?

These are proven ways to connect-the-dots and help convince the view that they’re making the right decision.

6. Is it easy to use, and can it be easily demonstrated?

Remember that a DR-TV spot is your retail store without the brick and mortar.

7. Is the price point palatable?

Will the customer be able to quickly see the value of the product vis-à-vis its benefits so that the price point becomes inconsequential?

8. What is our competition?

Can we compare without disparaging?

9. Any exclusivity we can boast about?

Sharing unique stories helps create interest.

10. What’s our offer? How will we seal the deal?

One of the most important words in our scripts is “FREE”. Use it wisely.

And when you’re ready to jump in and have some DR-TV fun, know that BT Creative Group is ready and waiting to help!


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